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May 17, 2006


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:) tell Elias i have a poncho like that. only mine is a different color.


What a beautiful child! Thank you for sharing your story, and his.

Betsy in VA

I am so happy to see this beautiful little guy! what a joy...I saw him when he was born and haven't again until now. He's made my week. Love ya!


What a cutie and such a sweet, happy picture! Here's to much adventure and many mooses for your family :)


Your son is so beautiful, and from your stories (he says "cool"!), he's obviously so much more than his medical history. What a blessing!

I'm really enjoying reading your blog. Thanks for overcoming your technophobia to share with us.


All I see is a beautiful, curly-haired angel enjoying a beautiful Spring day! He is obviously so much more than just a collection of diagnoses. I'm glad you're writing for ClubMom.

Kelley Bogardus

You have a beautiful son, and I think you are both marvelous parents. I am so touched by your writing...so much so that I am supposed to be working right now and I cannot stop reading. Thank you for sharing, Christy. You are a beautiful person.


you are a really good writer. I just found you tonight and (not your fault) I have been crying. He is beautiful and I can really feel your love for him - all of him. Just thought I would de-lurk. (I am in Calgary, Alberta Canada mom of 3 boys one who has Autism spectrum disorder - crazy blog world!)


Cathy, I'm glad you found me. Thanks for letting me know you are out there.


What a cutie! Thank you so much for sharing your story. He is precious, just look at those curls!!!

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