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July 31, 2006


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I've been enjoying reading your posts while you've been on vacation. Hope you had a great break! Thanks for sharing your story with us -- it's full of love.


Fantastic, full of fun photos. They speak volumes.


Beautiful, beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your story, and for taking the time to leave us such wonderful posts to enjoy during your vacation!


What a beautiful picture. I have actually come back here 3 times just because that picture of the two of you laughing makes me smile.


Oh Christy, what a beautiful, beautiful post. What a phenomenal writer you are. Yes, I would take disabled and alive any day, but you don't know that until you're there. I lost my second child at full-term because of an umbilical cord accident, and I would give anything to have him back any way I could get him.

The line you wrote, "It is just who you become, who we become." Yes. It is. This post really got me today. Thank you.


This really touched me deeply - as we have had to make that decision once again two weeks ago. And we've realized that life is more important than being whole or healthy.

Initially, during his NICU stay, I just prayed that our son would be able to experience our love for him. It is now clear to us that he can. I must admit that I'm getting greedy and I ask for MORE and MORE for him and his quality of life.

But the bottom line is that nothing would be possible without Life.

Alive and happy. Amen

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