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July 31, 2006


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Well, i'm glad you're back and I hope you had some good family time. If it makes you feel any better Flora and I went from bad colds to a throw-up bug : ) But getting healthy again always makes life that much brighter. We love you all.
xo HBO (B)


I get sick on vactions, too. Hope you feel better soon (and it's really not just because I'm looking forward to hearing all about the trip)!

Kris H.

Welcome Back! I loved all the memory lane posts while you were gone, but it will be good to have you back.

Hope you feel better soon!


Sorry you're feeling yucky!


I hope you make a fast recovery, but don't rush youself trying to get better. :) Looking forward to hearing about your week away from home!


Really enjoyed the posts while you were out--thank you!

Take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon.

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