The therapy dilemma.
Elias has six appointments a week on top of four mornings of preschool. To him it is all play. All fun. He looks forward to every appointment and is often disappointed when he is stuck at home with just Mama. Car ride.. .car ride... go see Mary or June or Kristen or Jen or go to preschool again...he says almost every afternoon.
The boy just wants to go go go and the fact that I'm sitting at the computer with another bad head cold (how many times have I been sick this year?) speaks to the crazy schedule I'm trying to uphold. And its not all because of therapy, its my own need to pursue career goals and athletic outlets while also taking on the full time job of the schedule of a child with special needs.
(I'm no longer tutoring at the university so my schedule is lighter this semester but I often had time to do homework while at the Writing Center so in a way it balances out.)
I feel guilty about doing too much and yet as far as Elias's therapy goes I sometime wonder if we are doing enough. I'll read about more intensive techniques such as Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy or Advance Biomechanical Rehabilitation (too sick to find links) and wonder if Elias would benefit from this intensive approach. Should we spend a year doing nothing but therapy? Should we leave Alaska for somewhere that offers more alternative therapy approaches? What if we miss the window of time to help his brain make new connections? Should I give up my own pursuits for a while to help Elias? Should we be doing more hours of therapy each day?
These are only some of the questions that don't let me sleep at night.
And yet another part of me sees the benefit of enriching Elias's life through more than therapy, medicine, and alternative healing. Through all those things that regular families get to do without a second thought. You know, play, explore, cuddle, teach, hang out, and be silly. Just be a family. And individuals. For Elias is more than his medical issues.
I don't know. In one day I am just as likely to think we are doing too much therapy as I am to think we are not doing enough. I feel selfish for taking time away from his medical needs to follow my own path and yet I also feel like this time away helps me to be a better mother. I can't win either way and this whole in-between factor can be exhausting.
I know you can't answer my questions for me but if you have any insight into this dilemma I'd love to hear it.
Thanks. I'm off to pick the little guy up from preschool...