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March 27, 2007


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you know, you're one of the few people out there who consistently leaves me wordless. in such a good way...connected to the deep and sometimes painful beauty of this parenting thing.

"where you end and he begins..." - i like that. i never thought of it that way, but i think it's true for me too. as good a reason as any.

you've made me shivery.


It happens to me all the time, but I rarely do something this beautiful with it.

the mad momma

i am always left speechless by the way you write... you speak for so many of us...


I am so grateful that you write the words I cannot express. The words I am afraid to say out loud. The words that make me so happy to be alive. Never stop.


I used to say that I wanted my life to be messy and complicated...now it is.



wish I could write like you. but I'll keep reading because there is a chord that is also deep in my life.


This is exactly why I don't comment as much as I'd like. I want to, but then I don't know what to say or it seems like it won't even compare! I love your words!


"It means the permanent loss of the false sense of freedom and independence that this country wears like a sword. And the revelation that there is no island."

You managed to put into words something that I have felt often, but never attempted to express. Thank you for that.


you all make me want to keep writing... even on days like today when my bed is calling and if i could I would climb in it and not return for days.

Unfortunately today I have to write a paper on career counseling instead of exploring my heart and mind here.

Your words help in so many ways. Thanks, Christy


Your words help too, Christy. Thank you.

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