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May 10, 2007


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This is a tough one. I blame myself, I blame my mother, but every single day I pray that I will be able to learn to become a kinder, gentler, more patient mom and person. Tough.


funny...i had just sat down to write about my own mother, and how fierce and hard our relationship became at about grade seven, but i didn't quite have the focus.

now here i sit, tears in my eyes. yes, i am grateful she has not quite separated from me, however much of me she doesn't understand. i hope to offer O more understand, but will do well to give the same fierce unyielding love.

as you give Elias.


woke up with a pit in my stomach and tried to call my mom. No answer. Want to ensure that she knows that this post is about me finally understanding mother-love and that along with teaching our children independence and being willing to let them go, as my mom surly did, here I am a New England girl in Alaska, a part of us as mothers can never fully let go, not when we spend so much time watching our babies grow...ooh, there's the phone.

Andrew Everett

Mom will love this post, I'm sure. It's honest, but that's a necessary part of love. And as you pointed out, she never did and never will stop loving you - no matter what you do. I also don't think she ever stopped liking you. Me -- I definitely did! :) 7th-8th grade especially. But then I rediscovered the best sister the next year (albeit aided by your cute friends). Great post. So apt for Elias, but also so universal with regard to parenting. Needless to say, I re-evaluate Mom and Dad constantly now that I am a parent. Things make new or better sense with the perspecive of having Tess now. We were lucky to have great parents - that is clearer every day!

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