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July 11, 2007


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I have been reading your blog for months and so enjoy it. I hate to see you leave - but I will certainly 'follow the links' to keep up with you. Your son is precious.


Congratulations Christy! I'm super excited for you. Lots of love

Andrew Everett

Can't wait to see the new "home." And because I'm not sure I'll connect directly with you today (7/12), I also wanted to wish you Happy Anniversary! Hope you and Nick are able to do something fun and/or romantic with Bruce and Kathy there to help with Elias. Can't wait to see you all in Seattle next week.


I am glad you are not just STOPPING. Moving, fine. I will follow you anywhere. Just don't stop.

I would miss Elias, I really would.


Ditto the "I'm so glad you are not stopping" -- I enjoy reading your beautiful and moving entries so much and would miss you terribly. I don't comment enough (or maybe too much sometimes too) but I read faithfully and will follow. ;)


I can deal with moving...but not stopping. So transition away. :)

Vicki Forman

Of course I will follow! How could I not?

Also, I have this idea that you should write a book based on your most recent adventures, one that contrasts the physical activity of the bike ride with the infinite patience required to raise a child like Elias, all juxtaposed against the amazing natural world, one that you write about so well. I can picture it!

mae ann

Christy, "go for it!" You are such a talented writer and a very special mom. Elias looks so cute in every picture that you share.
mae ann


Vicki, thanks for the visualization--I do hope to work on a book when i get out of graduate school and I like your idea.

And to everyone, thank you for following:) I'm not suppose to publicly link to the new blog till the headers are designed and some of the kinks resolved, hopefully early next week...till then I'll still be writing posts with no readers and missing all my wonderful comments.

Thanks so much for being there.

Kelly I

You can bet I'll be reading along :-) Elias looks so big!


I'll be following Christy. You're a must read on my blogroll and I need my regular doses of Elias.

Congrats on your new venture!


Oh, Christy, best wishes to you and yours! I've enjoyed ClubMom blogging with you!

Kate Kripke

First. Its been so long!!!!
I am moved by your story, your blog, and your honesty. I am a clinical social worker in private practice in Boulder where I specialize in parenting and the prevention and treatment of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety. Many, many of the moms who I work with would find strength in your writing.. and I will pass this blog along.
I would also welcome any blog posts that you would like to contribute to mine. It can be found at www.katekripke.wordpress.com.
Please let me know an email address to I ca write off-line.

Kate (Shaw) Kripke

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