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July 01, 2007


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Congrats! Kaycee is a great place. Nothing like the sight of the Big Horn Mountains to greet you in the morning....congrats on acomplishing your goal and celebrating in the company of family in a beautiful spot. Enjoy!


dude...you so rock. i seriously fear biking around the block.

i am impressed. and proud, y'know?

the pics of Elias and his older compatriots...? lovely. such life in those faces.

liz r

Way to go christy and nick and family!

I just loved this whole adventure VIA the blog. It has sparked incredible conversations in our household and I thank you for that...everything from biking with my folks, to how to balance the love of family from the east with a man who is born for the west...and of course...a conversation about how inspiring it is to hear about it, enough that we want to do it...:)


Awesome!! Way to go Christy and crew! You guys did great!


wow, what an accomplishment! I can't tell you how fun it's been following along your journey. So neat. Congratulations!


Wow you're amazing I used to go to church camp up in the Big Horns and I can't imagaine biking those roads.


Congratulations! What an amazing experience. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Congrats to the whole family! Sounds like a great trip and some awesome memories.
Lots of love


You'd never know Crow celebrates his 90th birthday this summer...if he can still run a ranch and Lois, in her mid-eighties, can chase cattle in her car across the mesa, well, than I can do anything.

Thank you all for your support, your words, and this community you gift to me. I'm blessed.

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